

November 18, 2022

          Welcome to Pain Revolutionized and my personal journey with chronic pain! There are so many blogs, podcasts, youtube channels and so much content in our lives that I thought it was important I tell you right off the bat what you will get from the Chronic Pain Diaries and what inspired me to start sharing with all of you. If you are new to my page you might not know this, but I have been fighting (and as of a few years ago) winning the battle against chronic pain. I am sure I will do a long form blog later on to describe my exact condition in detail but todayI think we will settle for simple explanations. Both of my knees have conditions that cause chronic pain, and several surgeries later on my left leg has left me with severe muscle atrophy, nerve damage and quite a bit less function than I had even started with. So I tend to have pain that reverberates quite literally from my hips down to my little (or not so little in my case lol) feetsies. I was on the merry go round of specialists, orthopedic surgeons, chiropractors, lymphatic professionals, and physical therapy for many years… The list goes on but I think you catch my drift! But the truth of the matter is that my pain, my condition and all of the experiences that went (and still do) go along with that ultimately didn’t end up being about me at all. That is why I started this business, and eventually this blog as well.


           It took me years to realize what my pain was really about, and the answer might shock you. My experiences have always been about you. What I realized in my own ‘healing’ journey was that there was immense purpose in the pain and misery that I once dealt with. And that purpose was that in my own healing, I could offer a lifeline to those who are still stuck dealing with traditional methods for pain management and never succeeding. No one deserves to suffer, and if I can be a tiny part of transformation to others then my purpose has been fulfilled. There is a REASON I was put in this life. For a very long time I thought to myself…


Why me?

Why is my grandmother more mobile and in less pain than I am at 23?

What did I do to deserve this?

Life seems so unfair.


         For me the answer was all of you. Because I was capable with my life coaching background, masters of clinical mental health counseling and research to transform my own life. To find a path of living where pain wasn’t primary and my condition didn’t get to dictate every single decision I made. To look forward to each day rather than stress about what my pain might bring me.To feel capable again, rather than disabled. To love myself rather than judge myself. To realize the sum of all the parts of me were vast outside of my pain rather than place myself in the box that was my condition. You deserve to live the best life your are capable of too.


- I created this business and this blog to do two things.


           One is to share my story with all of you. The funny parts, the hopeless and defeated parts, and the successes. To create an authentic connection and relationship with each of you who have lived many of the same experiences that I have. I want to create a community of acceptance, laughter and support.


           Secondly, I want to provide value and help you make your life a little better with each post. Even if you never want to commit to Pain Revolutionized OR take me on as your life and wellness coach, I STILL want you to have a better life.


           So what you can expect from me is weekly posts, I will alternate between personal stories and posts that add value to your lives. And I want you to be a part of this journey with me. I want to share YOUR stories and hear directly from YOU what you want me to talk about or help with. I will add my Instagram handle below so you can direct message me if you want to ask questions, share your story, or tell me what you want to hear about next!


We are on this crazy, unpredictable journey that is chronic pain, but we do not have to do it alone. I am SO excited that the day is finally here that we get to start!


Discover the secret recipe for banishing chronic pain

ebook cover

Discover the Five Myths of Pain Management!

Learn the five things you need to know to start winning the war against chronic pain.

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