Managing Pain

Depression and Chronic Pain

November 18, 2022

Anyone living with a chronic condition understands just how intimately long term physical pain and mental health are related. The constant pain, dysfunction, limitations, exhaustion and feelings of isolation wreak havoc on our emotional state. It is no surprise really, given what our daily lives look like. Today i wanted to talk about the relationship between depression and chronic pain and share with you what the research actually says.

According to the mayo clinic, the relationship between depression and physical pain is cyclical in nature. Depression can cause pain, just as easily as pain can create depression. They have found that physical pain and its intolerable nature tend to create depression, and the misery of depression creates even more focus and attention to the pain. They found that a number of symptoms connected to living in chronic pain create depression including having trouble sleeping and stress.Another article found that up to 85% of those who are chronically in pain also suffer from depression. They state that chronic pain patients who also have depression tend to have a more difficult time recovering or getting better.

Symptoms of Depression

Obviously it is not favorable to live with depression AND chronic pain. So how can you fix it?

Option #1

Utilize Psychology Today to find a counselor in your area who specializes in depression treatment. The wonderful thing about this website is that you can filter for all sorts of things including location, cost, insurance type, specialties and more!

Option #2

Speak to your primary care physician to see if he thinks you might be a good fit for medication. They can refer you to a psychiatrist in your area who can work with you to find the best medication for you.

Option #3

Buy the Pain Revolutionized Masterclass today to manage life with chronic pain along with the impacts it has on your mental health. The best part is? It is all online and you can take the course at your own pace in the comfort of your own home!

No one deserves to live this way, get help today!

If you are feeling suicidal please call 911 or call the national suicide help line today!


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